A powerful in vivo alternative model in scientific research: Galleria mellonella

Pantira Singkum, San Suwanmanee, Potjaman Pumeesat, Natthanej Luplertlop

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47 Citations (Scopus)


Murine models are suggested as the gold standard for scientific research, but they have many limitations of ethical and logistical concern. Then, the alternative host models have been developed to use in many aspects especially in invertebrate animals. These models are selected for many areas of research including genetics, physiology, biochemistry, evolution, disease, neurobiology, and behavior. During the past decade, Galleria mellonella has been used for several medical and scientific researches focusing on human pathogens. This model commonly used their larvae stage due to their easy to use, non-essential special tools or special technique, inexpensive, short life span, and no specific ethical requirement. Moreover, their innate immune response close similarly to mammals, which correlate with murine immunity. In this review, not only the current knowledge of characteristics and immune response of G. mellonella, and the practical use of these larvae in medical mycology research have been presented, but also the better understanding of their limitations has been provided.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31-55
Number of pages25
JournalActa Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Galleria mellonella
  • Innate immune response
  • Melanization


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