Assessing the efficacy of soapberry (Sapindus rarak) crude extract for controlling giant African land snail (Lissachatina fulica)

Lueangkaew Koysap, Jiraporn Ruangsittichai, Sumate Ampawong, Sumet Kongkiatpaiboon, Suwalee Worakhunpiset, Urusa Thaenkham, Yupa Chusongsang, Zhiyue Lv, Somsak Mongkolthanawat, Yanin Limpanont

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The giant African land snail (Lissachatina fulica) is a major pest that damages agricultural products and the environment, along with raising public health concerns. Although various methods have been applied to control these invasive snails, they have various limitations. The use of plant extracts is an alternative control method that is environmentally friendly and can reduce the use of harmful chemicals. This study was established to evaluate the molluscicidal effects of soapberry crude extract and to develop a molluscicide from it to control the giant African land snail. The soapberry (Sapindus rarak) crude extract exerted molluscicidal effects against L. fulica within 4 h. Soapberry concentration of 30% caused snail mortality of nearly 90% in 72 h. This plant extract exerted potential repellent and molluscicidal effects in the laboratory and semi-field experiments, while having no observable toxic effects on the vegetable Brassica rapa L. Thus, S. rarak crude extract at this concentration is suitable for snail control in vegetable plots.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)690-704
Number of pages15
JournalManagement of Biological Invasions
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • molluscicide
  • plant extract
  • saponin
  • snail control


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