Effect of heat treatment time on properties of mica-based glass-ceramics for restorative dental materials

Thapanee Srichumpong, Kallaya Suputtamongkol, Warat Chinpanuwat, Pronbadin Nampachoke, Jia Bai, Sukanda Angkulpipat, Sahadsaya Prasertwong, Duangrudee Chaysuwan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


The objective of this research is to focus improving the properties of machinable micabased glass-ceramics in order for restorative dental materials. The glass-ceramics derived from the SiO2-Al2O3-MgO-MgF2-SrCO3-CaCO3-CaF2-P2O5 system were produced by a two-stage heat treatment. It was elucidated that the optimum nucleation and the crystallization temperatures were at 643°C and 892°C. The various heat treatment times in the first stage were applied as 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively, on the optimum nucleation temperature to produce mica-based glassceramics. XRD results showed that specimens of variety of nucleation time had similar crystalline structures such as calcium-mica, fluorapatite, stishovite, anorthite, strontiumapatite and forsterite phases. The microstructures of glass-ceramics were observed by SEM basically as interlocked plate-like and needle-like microstructures of mica and fluorapatite, respectively, in all specimens. Furthermore, different heat treatment times influenced on the revealed crystal size of the glassceramics; the longer heat treatment, the smaller crystals. The resultant glass-ceramics gave the results of biaxial flexural strength (178-224 MPa) and Vickers hardness (295-393 HV) increasing with the formation of the interconnected mica phases which contributed to improve the machinability. The values of the properties were comparable to those of human enamel and suitable for some restorative dental applications.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGlass Science and Technology
EditorsTepiwan Jitwatcharakomol, Kanit Tapasa, Ekarat Meechoowas
PublisherTrans Tech Publications Ltd
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)9783035710489
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventInternational Commission on the ICG Annual Meeting, ICG 2015 - Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 20 Sept 201523 Sept 2015

Publication series

NameKey Engineering Materials
ISSN (Print)1013-9826
ISSN (Electronic)1662-9795


ConferenceInternational Commission on the ICG Annual Meeting, ICG 2015


  • Biaxial flexural strength
  • Mica-based glass-ceramics
  • Nucleation time
  • Restorative dental material


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