Navigating Intercultural Communication Challenges: Addressing Language Barriers and Foreign Language Anxiety Among Thai Low-Cost Airline Ground Staff

David D. Perrodin, Nucharapon Liangruenrom, Chirra Taworntawat

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study explores the critical role of effective English communication for low-cost airlines in countries such as Thailand, which relies heavily on tourism and where English proficiency among the local population is limited. Specifically, this study focuses on intercultural communication challenges Thai ground staff face due to their restricted English ability, language-related anxiety, and perceived language barriers. The study uncovers the impact of foreign language anxiety on communication barriers with international passengers through 15 focus group discussions involving 128 ground staff from a premium low-cost Thai airline. The analysis identifies specific challenges stemming from foreign language anxiety, including difficulties in English pronunciation, unclear information delivery, and increased effort required to comprehend international passengers. The study proposes potential solutions to address these obstacles, such as incorporating mindfulness techniques into corporate training sessions for English language proficiency. This unique approach aims to help Thai ground staff overcome language barriers, facilitate effective communication, and improve customer service with international passengers by instilling a positive mindset and behavior towards English. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance of addressing these challenges for operational efficiency, passenger safety, and resource optimization in international air travel, where English is the primary language. Implementing these solutions can enhance intercultural communication and provide a more inclusive and satisfactory travel experience for all parties involved.

Original languageEnglish
JournalTrends in Psychology
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


  • Airline ground staff
  • Foreign language anxiety
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Low-cost airline
  • Thailand


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