Redescription and new record of Paracapillaria (Ophidiocapillaria) najae (Nematoda: Trichuroidea) in the monocled cobra Naja kaouthia from central Thailand: Morphological and molecular insights

Vachirapong Charoennitiwat, Kittipong Chaisiri, Sumate Ampawong, Panithi Laoungbua, Lawan Chanhome, Taksa Vasaruchapong, Tanapong Tawan, Urusa Thaenkham, Napat Ratnarathorn

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2 Citations (Scopus)


The parasitic nematode Paracapillaria (Ophidiocapillaria) najae De, 1998, found in the Indian cobra Naja naja is redescribed and re-illustrated in the present study. The monocled cobra Naja kaouthia was discovered to be a new host for this parasite in central Thailand. A comprehensive description extending the morphological and molecular characteristics of the parasites is provided to aid species recognition in future studies. The morphometric characters of 41 parasites collected from 5 cobra specimens are compared with those described in the original studies. Phylogenetic analyses using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA genes were performed to provide novel information on the systematics of P. najae. Similar characteristics were observed in the examined nematode samples, despite being found in different hosts, confirming their identity as P. najae. The molecular genetic results support the species status of P. najae, indicating P. najae is well defined and separated from other related nematode species in the family Capillariidae. Morphological descriptions, genetic sequences, evolutionary relationships among capillariids and new host and distribution records of P. najae are discussed. Paracapillaria najae specimens found in the Thai cobra had some morphological variation, and sexual size dimorphism was also indicated. Paracapillaria najae was found to infect various cobra host species and appeared to be common throughout the Oriental regions, consistent with its hosts' distribution.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)901-910
Number of pages10
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2023


  • Naja kaouthia
  • Paracapillaria (Ophidiocapillaria) najae
  • gastrointestinal helminth
  • monocled cobra
  • snake parasite


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