SAP-LAP Model of Change Management of Labour and Educational Migration for the Sustainable Development of the High-Tech Economy of Russia and Other CIS Countries

Sergey V. Ryazantsev, Mukhiddin B. Kalonov, Inna V. Andronova

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The article dwells on the problem of determining the consequences of migration for the high-tech development of the economy of Russia and other CIS countries. The article aims to define the role of change management в labour and educational migration in the sustainable development of the high-tech economy. In the course of the study, economic and mathematical modelling of the impact of the incoming migration flow on the high-tech development of the economy is carried out using the regression analysis method based on statistics for 2021. As a result, the significant role of labour and educational migration in supporting the high-tech development of the economy of Russia and other CIS countries has been substantiated. The authors substantiate the disadvantages of the existing migration management model in Russia and other CIS countries related to the fact that this model creates an “institutional trap”: It hinders the attraction of highly qualified personnel arriving as immigrants, the employment of immigrants in knowledge-intensive sectors and the retention of highly qualified personnel among educational migrants. To overcome the “institutional trap”, a new—SAP-LAP—model of migration change management in Russia and other CIS countries has been proposed. The advantage of the developed SAP-LAP model is its allowing an increase in the flexibility of socioeconomic systems in Russia and other CIS countries. Due to this, more flexible change management of educational and labour migration is achieved, which allows for more thorough sorting of migration flows, filtering out unskilled personnel and attracting the most skilled personnel. The main feature of the new model is the attraction of highly qualified and talented young migrants from all over the CIS. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the fact that it clarified previously unknown positive consequences of migration for the high-tech development of the economy of Russia and other CIS countries. The practical significance consists in the improvement of the modern practice of regulating the incoming flow of educational and labour migration in Russia and other CIS countries in the interests of high-tech economic development in the Decade of Science and Technology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)49-59
Number of pages11
JournalGlobal Journal of Flexible Systems Management
Issue numberSuppl 1
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • CIS
  • Change management
  • Decade of Science and Technology
  • Educational migration
  • Flexible socioeconomic systems
  • High-tech economic development
  • Higher education
  • Highly qualified personnel
  • Labour migration
  • Russia
  • SAP-LAP model
  • Sustainable development


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